Beyond Carbon: Financing the Future of High-Impact Enterprises
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires innovative financing mechanisms to support high-impact enterprises, especially in sectors like clean cooking, distributed renewable energy, and small-scale agribusiness.
Outcomes based approaches to locally led development
Locally led development calls for reshaping existing processes and practices, to create a genuine power shift. Project Maitri, a pilot initiative aimed at improving girl’s education, is an example of such reshaping..
Is an outcomes-based approach or impact bond right for me?
Four deal breaker questions to understand whether an outcomes-based approach or impact bond is right for you.
Reflections and learnings from Liberia Education Advancement Programme (LEAP): 2016-2024
This report captures the evolutionary journey LEAP has been on since its inception in 2016, the challenges it faces as it continues to push for long term sustainability from philanthropic funding and the lessons learned for education programming from the Liberia Education Advancement Program (LEAP) perspective.
Revolutionising Urban Sanitation: Fresh Life's Results-Based Financing Initiative in Nairobi
Social Finance with Fresh Life designed the first Results-Based Financing (RBF) mechanism for urban non-sewered sanitation in Kenya. This mechanism represents a significant step towards achieving universal access to improved sanitation. By focusing on results, we can ensure that every shilling spent translates into real, measurable improvements in sanitation, public health and quality of life.
Building Blocks for a Social Outcomes Marketplace: A New Frontier in Development Finance
Social outcomes marketplace - a potentially game-changing mechanism for buying and selling SDG outcomes. This approach could move beyond both carbon credits and the stop-start nature of traditional aid projects, offering a more direct and sustainable way to fund social impact.
This is how outcomes-based contracts work
Listen to Social Finance International Director, Louise Savell, speak with Jack Farren of The Social Impact Journal about impact bonds, outcomes-based approaches, and local accountability for impact in international development.
Unlocking climate finance for social impact
We’re engaging with prominent actors in the voluntary carbon market to understand how high-impact enterprises could unlock carbon revenues. Here are some proposals for collective action.
What role could outcomes-based contracting play in the recovery of Ukraine?
As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, the international community has started to look towards Ukraine’s recovery needs. Outcomes-based contacting can play a part.
Innovative finance can help Ukraine rebuild better and quicker
Outcomes-based contracting could have major benefits in fostering effective reconstruction across the country.
Accelerating the design of impact bonds
Five insights from the Mine Fields to Rice Fields development impact bond in Cambodia.
How ‘productising’ innovative finance hurts development
The pursuit of better social outcomes, not new products, should drive the international development community’s approach to innovative finance.
Frontier tech in outcomes-based financing: Three ways donors can help
Outcomes-based finance shifts the focus away from what delivery partners have done, to the impact they have delivered. But measuring impact is difficult.
How Argentina's first social impact bond transformed employment prospects for young people
Young people in the poorest parts of Buenos Aires face significant challenges in entering the labour market. The country’s first social impact bond sought to change that.
Social outcomes contracts and system strengthening: A conceptual framework
How might outcomes-based partnerships help to build broader and longer-term capacity for effective policy implementation?
Engaging in outcomes-based partnerships: Frameworks to support ecosystem and service provider readiness
What conditions and characteristics are needed to successfully engage in outcomes-based partnerships?
How has Covid-19 impacted women's agency and the fight against HIV?
On International Women’s Day, we reflect on the impact of the pandemic over the past two years.
Outcomes funds as drivers for ecosystem building
Part five of our Lessons from Colombia series.