Designing an outcomes fund for education results
This blog is part of a series on the experience of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in structuring a CAD $30–50 million Outcomes Fund for Education Results (OFFER) in Colombia.
Learning lessons for education from the use of results-based financing in health
Learning lessons for education from the use of results-based financing in health
Cameroon kangaroo mother care development impact bond: End of programme report
An overview of what the DIB achieved, the lessons we learnt, and what might come next.
Innovative finance for employment: The potential for women and urban youth
The need for female economic empowerment in Mozambique is clear; just 24% of women have access to wage employment, versus 50% of men.
Innovative finance for mine action
Over 5,000 people are killed or injured each year by landmines and other explosive remains, and hundreds of thousands of square kilometres of land remain unusable due to mine contamination.
An outcomes-based approach to addressing the human impact of climate change in Kenya
Turkana County Government, Oxfam, and Social Finance are re-imagining the role of finance in areas of sub-Saharan Africa on the front line of climate change.
Innovative finance to address bonded labour in supply chains
Migrant worker debt bondage is a complex and intransigent problem in Malaysia’s electronics sector.
The case for a global nutrition outcomes fund
More than 160 million children are stunted, representing an enormous loss of both human and economic potential.
Towards an outcomes-based approach to cleaner cooking
Traditional cookstoves that burn solid fuels such as wood, charcoal and dung are used by up to 3 billion people worldwide.
An energy market accelerator
How can we accelerate energy access in rural areas of low-income countries?