This is how outcomes-based contracts work

Outcomes-based approaches shift emphasis of programmes to what is really changing in the lives of people, through the power of cross-sector partnerships built upon a shared vision for change.

Listen to Social Finance International Director, Louise Savell, speak with Jack Farren of The Social Impact Journal about impact bonds, outcomes-based approaches, and local accountability for impact in international development.

Through snapshots of our work across the globe, from improving rural sanitation outcomes in Cambodia, to supporting young people into employment skills in the West Bank & Gaza, to improving neonatal care in Cameroon, Louise demystifyies how and when outcomes-based approaches center the person and their lives in International Development. Emphasising the importance of building collective and shared vision across stakeholders to deliver outcomes and approaching our work with humility.


Building Blocks for a Social Outcomes Marketplace: A New Frontier in Development Finance 


Unlocking climate finance for social impact