Putting outcomes at the heart of development

We deliver sustainable impact through innovative finance, outcomes-based approaches and cross-sector partnerships.

Working with governments, funders and service providers, we develop new approaches to tackle development challenges and build the market for change globally. We work with our partners to design, structure and deliver adaptive programmes that make finance work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We are led by the International team of Social Finance UK and have staff based in London, Nairobi and Bogota; we work collaboratively across the Social Finance Global Network, drawing experience and expertise from sister organisations Social Finance US, Social Finance Netherlands, and Social Finance Israel.

We work across a wide range of low- and middle-income countries in many different issues areas.

Our Work

We use a range of approaches…


  • We work to both mobilise additional capital for social challenges, and make more efficient and effective use of existing funding.   

    More about our work on Innovative Finance

  • Private enterprises, and the markets in which they operate, have a critical role to play in scaling impact for vulnerable populations. ​ ​We work with impact-focused enterprises, industry-bodies and market-makers to inform and support the use of innovative finance to scale. 

    More about our work Scaling Impact Enterprises

  • Improving social outcomes is at the heart of all our work. Our work ties funding and finance to results, aligning partner incentives and goals around their achievement.

    More about our work on Impact Bonds and Outcomes-based Approaches

  • The world is increasingly connected. We support our partners – governments, not-for-profits, development partners and enterprises – to harness the power of real-time data to make more informed decisions.

    More about our Data, Evidence and Learning work

  • We work with organisations of all sizes to understand their ambitions, values and business models, to support them to explore how innovative finance could support the achievement of their goals. Our understanding of the connection between social impact and funding and finance gives us a unique ability to offer valuable insights and support.

    More about our work on Strategy and Systems Thinking

… to deliver impact across key issue areas

Issue Areas

  • In recognition of the pressing need to consider both people and planet in addressing the climate crisis, we work to ensure that social outcomes are considered in efforts to reduce emissions. 

    More about our work in People and Planet

  • From early childhood development to skills for employment, our education work centres the outcomes that are of value to each population. We design programmes and financing that deliver real change in people’s lives.

    More about our work in Education, Employment and Skills

  • Access to basic services, including water and sanitation, energy, and clean cooking, is starkly unequal across many low- and middle-income countries. We support social enterprises, industry bodies and market leaders to address these challenges, ensuring that finance supports equity and impact.

    More about our work in Access to Basic Services

  • A focus on disadvantaged populations is critical to achieving the SDGs. We work with partners to bring race, gender and income inequalities into focus, ensuring that programme design and implementation appropriately addresses these needs.

    More about our work in Gender, Livelihoods and Vulnerable Communities

  • Making better use of finance is critical if we are to meet the world’s health challenges and achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). We focus on ensuring that services work at scale for marginalised populations, making effective use of public-private partnerships and supporting players at the global level to strengthen the global health system architecture.

    More about our work in Health

Better outcomes are the heart of everything we do through innovative finance, outcomes-based approaches and cross-sector partnerships.

We bring a unique perspective to the challenges of development finance. Our approach is to deeply understand social problems to ensure that funding and finance, data and key stakeholders are aligned to deliver better outcomes. We develop solutions that are bespoke to each context, population and partnership.

We catalyse and facilitate partnerships around a shared vision of social change. From global funders to issue-area experts, corporates to community-based organisations, we create partnerships that endure beyond an individual project or stakeholder. 

We work from strategy and conceptual design, to programme implementation and learning. We have the skills and experience to both add value at scale and drive change through attention to detail. We are as comfortable designing and managing new outcomes funds as we are supporting improvements to a social enterprise data system.

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We have worked in more than 50 countries, mobilising over half a billion USD for impact

We have worked in over 100 partnerships

Featured work

Supporting landmine clearance and agricultural development in Cambodia

We partnered with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), APOPO – who train rats to detect landmines – and Cordaid to design the Mine Fields to Rice Fields development impact bond (DIB).

Enabling more equal access to quality education in Colombia

We collaborated with international and Colombian partners to design the Outcomes Fund for Education Results (OFFER) to help Colombia’s most disadvantaged learners access and complete a quality education