People and Planet

In recognition of the pressing need to consider both people and planet in addressing the climate crisis, we work to ensure that social outcomes are considered in efforts to reduce emissions. The value of emission reductions accrues at a global level, while the value of social outcomes (including those from climate adaptation activities) accrues at a local level creating a disconnect in incentives for private actors.

We work across renewable energy, clean cooking and climate resilient agriculture to develop mechanisms and approaches that re-establish the connection between the social and environmental outcomes that the world needs.  

Unlocking climate finance for social impact

We’re engaging with prominent actors in the voluntary carbon market to understand how high-impact enterprises could unlock carbon revenues. Here are some proposals for collective action.

Towards an outcomes-based approach to cleaner cooking

Traditional cookstoves that burn solid fuels such as wood, charcoal and dung are used by up to 3 billion people worldwide. 

An outcomes-based approach to addressing the human impact of climate change in Kenya 

Turkana County Government, Oxfam, and Social Finance are re-imagining the role of finance in areas of sub-Saharan Africa on the front line of climate change.