Cameroon kangeroo mother care DIB: Lessons from delivery for scale
The Cameroon DIB is a social outcomes partnership between the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), Nutrition International (NI) and the Kangaroo Foundation Cameroon (KFC). It builds on a two-year kangaroo mother care pilot in Cameroon funded by GCC and led by the Fundación Canguro in Colombia.
GCC, as the investor, provided CAD 1 million (USD 780k) of upfront capital to KFC, the lead service provider, which they used to roll out and fund the initial delivery of the programme. Service delivery targeted an improvement in neonatal health outcomes through the delivery of quality kangaroo mother care (KMC) in 9 public hospitals and 1 private hospital across 5 regions of Cameroon.
This review of lessons learnt from delivery for scale is based on a review of key documents, detailed analysis of operational and financial data, and interviews with over 30 key programme stakeholders undertaken by Social Finance in December 2020 and January 2021.