Innovative Finance
We work to both mobilise additional capital for social challenges, and make more efficient and effective use of existing funding. We work with you to identify the best instrument, from smart subsidies and outcomes funds, to guarantees and blended finance facilities.
Our starting point is always the social challenge and the needs of the proposed solution. We work with partners to tailor finance that supports better outcomes.
How ‘productising’ innovative finance hurts development
The pursuit of better social outcomes, not new products, should drive the international development community’s approach to innovative finance.
Innovative finance for employment: the potential for women and urban youth
The challenges faced by disadvantaged urban youth and women in Mozambique are severe; without deliberate intervention to address the constraints facing them, this trend is set to worsen.
Innovative finance to address bonded labour in supply chains
Migrant worker debt bondage is a complex and intransigent problem in Malaysia’s electronics sector.